How Much Recommended Sugar Per Day?

How Much Recommended Sugar Per Day?

Sugar is ubiquitous in modern meals and snacks. It’s in everything from the frosted cereal you may eat for breakfast to the soda you might sip at lunch, and it pops up again in that cookie after dinner. But how much sugar is too much? In this article, we’ll explore the recommended daily sugar intake and offer tips to keep your sugary cravings in check.

Why Monitor Sugar Intake?

Sugar is connected to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and teeth damage. Understanding and managing sugar intake is a significant step towards a healthier lifestyle and better well-being.

Recommended Daily Sugar Intake

The AHA advises males to limit added sugars to 9 spoons (36 grams or 150 calories) daily. And women to no more than six teaspoons (25 grams or 100 calories). These guidelines cover added sugars, sugars, and syrups added during food preparation or processing.

One 12-ounce standard Coke can have up to 8 teaspoons of added sugar, which surpasses the daily guideline for women and nearly meets it for men, which already exceeds the daily limit for women and comes close to the limit for men. It’s no wonder that watching your sugar intake can be a tricky task.

How to Identify Added Sugars

Identifying added sugars requires reading the nutrition label. Sugars, including sucrose, glucose, high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, and others, end in “ose.” Watch for anything syrupy or sweet-sounding, and you’ll start seeing added sugar patterns in your food choices.

Practical Tips to Reduce Sugar Intake

How Much Recommended Sugar Per Day?
#How Much Recommended Sugar Per Day?

Here are some straightforward tactics to help cut down on sugar:

  • Opt for fresh, whole fruits instead of fruit juices or smoothies.
  • Add sugar drinks with water, herbal teas, or black coffee.
  • When baking, reduce the amount of sugar called for by a third to a half.
  • Choose breakfast cereals with low or no added sugars.
  • Start scrutinizing food labels and choosing low-sugar goods.

FAQs About Sugar Intake

What are ‘added sugars’?

Added sugars are sugars or caloric sweeteners added during processing or preparation. Milk and fruit sugars are excluded.

Are natural sugars better for you than added sugars?

While sugars in fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose) naturally come with additional nutrients like fiber, vitamins, or calcium, they should still be consumed in moderation. The fiber in fruit, for example, can help mitigate blood sugar spikes by slowing the absorption of sugar.

Do I need to worry about sugar in whole fruits and milk?

No, you do not need to worry as much about the naturally occurring sugars in whole fruits and milk because they have other health benefits. However, keep portion sizes in mind and maintain a balanced diet.

How can I reduce my cravings for sugar?

Gradually reducing the sugar in your diet can help lessen your sugar cravings over time. Also, try incorporating more protein and fiber into your diet, which can help keep you full and reduce the urge for sugary snacks.

If I’m craving something sweet, what are healthier options?

Healthier options for satisfying your sweet tooth include:

  • Fruits.
  • Dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa).
  • Yogurt with berries.
  • Homemade trail mix with a minimal amount of added sugar.

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