Paleo Diet Meal Plan For Weight Loss: What to Eat on Paleo Diet?(2024)


What to Eat on Paleo Diet?

The paleo diet meal plan for weight loss is best to understand for burning fat. It is a diet that is becoming more and more popular all over the world. The Paleolithic diet dates back to the caveman days when hunters and gatherers ate food from hunting animals. They also ate fruits and vegetables that grew from the tree or bushes. And the surprising fact is that they were free of diseases like obesity and diabetes

Many studies suggest that the Paleo Diet Meal Plan For Weight Loss can cause weight loss and lead to major improvements in human health.

As human beings, we are still ancient bodies living in a modern world that has been sorely affected by the agricultural revolution that includes highly processed foods. Our food supply has changed drastically over the past few decades making us sick and unhealthy. In this post, I’m going to share a typical day of meals of the Paleo Diet; something you might eat in a single day!

What To Eat On The Paleo Diet Meal Plan For Weight Loss?

Proponents of the paleo diet recommend eating the same foods our Paleolithic ancestors were likely to eat, which includes meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

If you’re very brave (I’m not), then possibly even insects and/or organ meats.

Foods not allowed include grains, dairy, legumes, and pretty much anything that is processed and wasn’t available 10,000 years ago.

All sorts of sodas, both sweetened and artificially sweetened, as well as fruit juices and milk with natural or synthetic sugars should be avoided, of course.

If it’s sweet, don’t drink it, even if it’s natural fruit juice!

Also read: Sugar Addition […and How To Break It!]

What should you drink?

Water is the way to go!

Doing the paleo diet does not mean you need to live in a cave and stop shaving. It is a way of eating, based around a specific philosophy.

Personally, I recommend a more balanced approach.

I suggest people eat some high-fat dairy due to the Vitamin K2 content, and I think that some non-gluten grains and potatoes are fine for those who are not obese or diabetic.

Otherwise, my diet is almost entirely paleo and I love it!

Paleo Diet Menu

Here I am going to describe a typical paleo diet menu. Something I am likely to eat in an average day.


  • 3-4 Omega-3 Enriched Eggs
  • A mix of frozen vegetables
  • 10-15g (a tablespoon) of coconut oil
  • Instructions: Melt frozen vegetables and coconut oil on a frying pan, add eggs and some spices, and fry until ready.

Sometimes I won’t eat breakfast until after lunchtime, and then do not eat anything until dinner. This is a form of intermittent fasting.

Recommended Reading: Intermittent Fasting on the Keto Diet Plan – Is it Good?

If this is a workout day for me, I will add some white rice to the stir fry (safe starches – not really paleo though).

Lunch (leftovers from the night before):

  • 3 Chicken thighs
  • Mashed Sweet Potatoes
  • Some vegetables

Sometimes I’ll mix a banana with some coconut flakes and frozen blueberries for lunch. I like to throw an organic yogurt from a grass-fed cow into the mix (not quite paleo – but very close).


  • A handful of almonds
  • An orange


  • 3 Burgers without the bun
  • Salad
  • Butter
  • Fry the burger patties in butter, on a frying pan. Eat a salad with them. If you like, throw some extra virgin coconut oil on the salad. Personally, I like to put some cheese on top of the burgers.

A Paleo Diet Meal Plan

Different diets were suitable for Paleolithic humans based upon what was readily accessible to them at that moment and where they lived in the world.

While some people consumed a high-carb diet rich in plants, others consumed a low-carb diet heavy in animal products.

Different diets were suitable for Paleolithic humans based upon what was readily accessible to them at that moment and where they lived in the world.While some people consumed a high-carb diet rich in plants, others consumed a low-carb diet heavy in animal products.

Some even consumed insects, but happily, the present understanding associated with the paleo diet does not call for this delicacy. Two reliable sources are included in the paleo diet plan.

  • unprocessed meats
  • fish
  • eggs
  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • herbs
  • spices
  • nutritious fats and oils

Foods to avoid typically include (2Trusted Source):

  • processed foods
  • added sugar
  • soft drinks
  • artificial sweeteners

Foods to limit include (2Trusted Source):

  • grains
  • most dairy products
  • legumes

Paleo Meals In 10 Minutes or Less

Egg Stir Fry

Ingredients: Coconut oil, frozen vegetable mix, eggs and spices.


  • Put coconut oil on a pan, and turn the heat on.
  • Put vegetable mix on the pan, and heat until thawed.
  • Add 3-4 eggs and spice (I use a spice mix, although salt and pepper work fine).
  • Fry until ready.

I eat this for breakfast every day.

Burgers Without The Bun

Ingredients: Butter, burgers, cheese, spices, and salsa sauce.


  • Put butter on the pan, and turn up the heat.
  • Add burgers, and spice on both sides.
  • When close to being ready, add cheese on top.
  • Wait for the cheese to melt.
  • Put on a plate, and add mild salsa sauce on top.
  • Serve with some vegetables.

Grilled Chicken Wings

Ingredients: Chicken wings, spices.


  • Add spice to chicken wings.
  • Grill at 200-220°C (392-428F) for 40-ish minutes.
  • Serve with vegetables and perhaps some mild salsa.

Keep an eye on the wings. Grill until the wings get brown and crunchy. 5 minutes too long is better than 5 minutes too short.

There’s something primitive about eating meat off the bone. I Love it!

Fried Chicken Breast Pieces

Ingredients: Chicken breasts, butter, garlic, salt, pepper and curry.


  • Cut chicken breasts into pieces.
  • Add butter to the pan, and turn up the heat.
  • Add chicken pieces.
  • Spice with salt, pepper, garlic and curry. Lots of curry.
  • Fry until the chicken gets a brown, crunchy texture.
  • Serve with vegetables.

Use plenty of butter with this meal, chicken breast on its own is too dry.

Food To Eat On Paleo Diet

Food To Eat On Paleo Diet
#Food To Eat On Paleo Diet

You can eat a variety of whole, unprocessed foods on the paleo diet. This includes:

  • Meat: Beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, pork, and others
  • Fish and seafood: salmon, trout, haddock, shrimp, shellfish, etc (choose wild-caught if you can)
  • Eggs: may be free-range, pastured, or omega-3 enriched
  • Vegetables: broccoli, kale, peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes, etc.
  • Fruits: apples, bananas, oranges, pears, avocados, strawberries, blueberries, and more.
  • Tubers: potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, turnips, etc.
  • Nuts and seeds: almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and more
  • Healthy fats and oils: extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, and others
  • Salt and spices: sea salt, garlic, turmeric, rosemary, etc.

Food To Avoid On The Paleo Diet

The paleo diet discourages the consumption of certain foods, including:

  • Soft beverages, fruit juices, sugar from tables, candies, pastries, ice cream, and countless other items include sugar or high-fructose corn syrup.
  • Grains include wheat, pasta, bread, cereal, rye, barley, and spelt.
  • Legumes: a wide variety of beans and lentils
  • Dairy: most dairy products, especially low-fat dairy (however some paleo diets can contain full-fat dairy products like cheese and butter)
  • Soybean, sunflower, cottonseed, corn, grapeseed, and safflower oils are a few examples of vegetable oils.
  • Use natural sweeteners instead of artificial ones such as aspartame for sucralose, cyclamates, saccharin, and acesulfame potassium.
  • Highly processed foods include anything that is tagged as “low fat,” “diet,” or has a lot of additives, such as artificial meal substitutes.

A sample paleo menu for 1 week

Paleo-friendly foods make up a healthy portion of this sample menu.
Feel free to modify this menu to suit your own tastes.


  • Breakfast: eggs and vegetables fried in olive oil, one piece of fruit
  • Lunch: chicken salad with olive oil, a handful of nuts
  • Dinner: burgers (no bun) fried in butter, vegetables, salsa


  • Breakfast: bacon, eggs, one piece of fruit
  • Lunch: leftover burgers from the night before
  • Dinner: baked salmon with vegetables


  • Breakfast: leftover salmon and vegetables from the night before
  • Lunch: sandwich in a lettuce leaf, with meat and fresh vegetables
  • Dinner: ground beef stir-fry with vegetables, berries


  • Breakfast: eggs, one piece of fruit
  • Lunch: leftover stir-fry from the night before, a handful of nuts
  • Dinner: fried pork, vegetables


  • Breakfast: eggs and vegetables fried in olive oil, one piece of fruit
  • Lunch: chicken salad with olive oil, a handful of nuts
  • Dinner: steak, vegetables, sweet potatoes


  • Breakfast: bacon, eggs, one piece of fruit
  • Lunch: leftover steak and vegetables from the night before
  • Dinner: baked tilapia, vegetables, avocado


  • Breakfast: leftover salmon and vegetables from the night before
  • Lunch: sandwich in a lettuce leaf, with meat and fresh vegetables
  • Dinner: grilled chicken wings, vegetables, salsa


This was a sample paleo diet meal plan for weight loss, but it is possible to eat an endless variety of meals on the paleo diet. It just takes a little imagination and experimentation! For those who are healthy, active, and don’t need to lose weight, then a lot of paleo gurus recommend some safe starches like white rice, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, as well as full-fat dairy. It’s so simple a caveman can do it!


Q: What is the Paleo diet, and how does it promote weight loss?

The Paleo diet, also known as the caveman diet, focuses on consuming foods that our ancestors would have eaten during the Paleolithic era. This includes lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. By eliminating processed foods, grains, and dairy, the diet aims to reduce inflammation and promote weight loss through a more natural and nutrient-dense approach.

Q: Can I eat grains and dairy on the Paleo diet for weight loss?

No, the Paleo diet excludes grains and dairy. These food groups are eliminated because they were not commonly consumed by early humans. The diet emphasizes whole foods that are believed to be more in line with our evolutionary history.

Q: What are the main food sources in a Paleo diet meal plan?

A typical Paleo diet meal plan includes lean meats (preferably grass-fed), fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. These foods provide essential nutrients, healthy fats, and proteins, promoting satiety and supporting weight loss.

Q: Is it necessary to count calories on the Paleo diet?

Many followers of the Paleo diet find that they naturally consume fewer calories without the need for strict calorie counting. The emphasis on whole, nutrient-dense foods often leads to increased feelings of fullness, making it easier for individuals to manage their weight without strict calorie tracking.

Q: Can I include sweeteners in my Paleo diet for weight loss?

The Paleo diet discourages the use of refined sugars and artificial sweeteners. However, some natural sweeteners like honey and maple syrup can be used in moderation. It’s essential to be mindful of overall sugar intake, even from natural sources, to support weight loss goals.

Q: How does the Paleo diet impact insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels?

By eliminating processed carbohydrates and sugars, the Paleo diet may help improve insulin sensitivity and stabilize blood sugar levels. This can contribute to better weight management and reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

Q: Are there specific portion sizes recommended on the Paleo diet for weight loss?

While the Paleo diet doesn’t strictly dictate portion sizes, adherents often find that the emphasis on whole, nutrient-dense foods naturally regulates their intake. Portion control can be intuitive, as the focus is on eating until satisfied rather than overeating.

Q: Is the Paleo diet suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

The Paleo diet places a strong emphasis on animal products, making it challenging for strict vegetarians or vegans to follow. However, some modifications can be made to include plant-based protein sources like legumes, tofu, and tempeh.

Q: Can I engage in intermittent fasting while following the Paleo diet for weight loss?

Many individuals combine intermittent fasting with the Paleo diet to enhance weight loss results. The nutrient-dense nature of Paleo foods can support sustained energy levels during fasting periods.

Q: Is the Paleo diet safe for long-term weight management?

While the Paleo diet has been associated with short-term weight loss and improved health markers, its long-term sustainability varies among individuals. Some people find it challenging to adhere to the strict guidelines over an extended period. It’s essential to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed for a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

Neha Pant

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